Thursday, November 8, 2012

Five, Six, Seven and Eight

Damn, I'm behind again with my 30 Days of Thankfulness!

It's harder than I thought.  Honestly, I think about it everyday, but then say to my self:

"Self, let's just do it tomorrow."

Then tomorrow comes and I put it off again. 

No more, well for now...

Here you go, because I know you were sitting around on pins and needles to read this:

Day 5-I'm thankful for my rocking co-workers!  They help me succeed and have become good friends in the process.

Day 6-The JD Gator at the farm!  It makes mucking stalls and scooping sheet way faster!

Day 7-Appreciative teachers and students.  I taught a youth program about agriculture at one of the community schools and everyone (office staff, teachers and students) were just awesome!  The teachers jumped in to help and the kids had lots of energy and were so willing to cooperate, which makes my job so much better and fulfilling!

Day 8-The opportunity to work on my Master's degree in Agriculture Education for FREE because I'm employed by the University.  It's a major perk of my job and although every semester I find myself wishing I could be doing something else instead of projects and homework, it'll be worth it in the end!

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